Hotel Le Gray d'Albion in Cannes, 4-star

Ideally located between the sea and the prestigious shopping street of Cannes, the Hotel Barrière Le Gray d’Albion is a trendy haven of peace and quiet. Renovated in a contemporary style, the hotel Barrière Le Gray d’Albion excels in the art of welcoming you with its 200 rooms and suites where you will be pampered by our teams. The hotel reflects the atmosphere of Cannes: bright by day, luminous by night.

Discover the cuisine of the sun at the private beach restaurant Mademoiselle Gray, on La Croisette. Let yourself be carried away by the bohemian-chic atmosphere of this private beach, its summer parties, colourful cocktails and water activities. At any time of the day, the Bar du Gray is an ideal place to meet with friends. And if you want to relax, you can work out in privacy in the hotel’s fitness centre.

Your children will be able to have fun at the Studio by Petit VIP of the Hotel Le Majestic, a dedicated space, available free of charge, where they will be able to experience unique moments while learning about the 10 major arts.


  • In the heart of the city centre
  • Next to the beach
  • Next to the Croisette
  • Little VIP area
  • Sea View Suite
  • Beach Restaurant Mademoiselle Gray


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